第一条:不可抄袭他人之创意,不论有何前提;Not to copy other's creative work, under no circumstances;第二条:不可过分依赖电脑技术,切记,你是一名设计师,不是一名电脑修图员;Not to rely completely on computer technology, it is a tool only and cannot substitute your creativity. Remember, you are a designer, not a computer graphic editor;第三条:不可一直追随流行设计风格,现在流行的,必是马上过时的;Be a creator and not a fashion-follower because a trendy style today would become an out-dated one tomorrow;第四条:各用10%的精力涉足十门设计学科,不如用100%的精力涉足于一门学科;Trying ten design fields simultaneously but badly is worst than concentrating on one field and master it;第五条:不可将自己都认为有问题的作品向公众发表;